5 Key Secrets To A Happy Relationship

5 Key Secrets To A Happy Relationship
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by Pamela

Ever wondered what it takes to have a happy, long-lasting relationship?

Some people live happily ever after, what’s the secret?
In this article, I will share with you the top five secrets for success in a relationship.

Creating a happy and lasting partnership clearly isn’t easy. Most people go into a relationship fully expecting to share a life together with their partner, but in reality, 40-50 percent of those relationships end in divorce.

However, there are partners that look so great together. Their spiritual kinship, tenderness and mutual respect are so obvious. How do these couples stay in love, in good and bad times?

Fortunately, the answer isn’t through chance or luck. It’s not surprising that almost every couple has a different answer to this question, this is due to the fact that every relationship is different.

However, there are some certain factors that’ll always help your relationship to succeed.
Here are five of the most important…


#1 Communication

Communication is very vital in a successful, happy relationship. Most failed relationships ended because of, or in connection to, poor communication.

Relationships are not hard to maintain if they contain healthy communication among one another. Always try to listen to your partner’s position, without interrupting him or her. Just listen.

Whenever there is conflict, talk it out. This will make it easier for you to hear and understand your partner’s thoughts and feelings. Click To Tweet

Good communication is the only means by which you can know more about the person you are interested in. When you know the way he or she feels and thinks about certain things, maintaining a happy relationship becomes easy.

When a relationship lacks good communication, there can be problems like loss of faith, insecurity, emotional dissatisfaction leading to loss of interest in the relationship.  Making time for communication, however short, will help you maintain a happy relationship.

# 2 Hard Work

A happy relationship doesn’t just happen naturally or by luck, you have to work for it.

No one has ever spoken about the success of a long-term relationship without mentioning hard work and commitment. Although many people believe that real love shouldn’t require hard work, that’s not completely true in the long run.

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There are some moments in a relationship when you will face some challenges and hit rough patches. The secret to surviving all these challenges is understanding that things will be hard sometimes and you must always be ready to put in your best.

Having the compassion, love and commitment to make a success of your relationship is very paramount. You can get through most things together if you’re committed and strong. You have to let go of your ego and use the tough times to bring yourselves closer.

The simple truth is that a good relationship, like any other successful thing in life, must be worked on a regular basis.

#3 Trust

Trust is the foundation upon which a happy relationship is built. Lack of trust is one of the reasons why relationships fall apart.

Trust isn’t just about fidelity, it’s everything. Authentic trust involves mood and emotions, trusting your partner to be there for you in difficult times, trusting them to understand when you’re struggling with life, and trusting them with your innermost thoughts and demons.

Trust cannot be built if one person is willing and the other is not, both parties have to be involved. Click To Tweet When you build a solid partnership based on trust, you will have a happy and long-lasting relationship.

Even when disagreements or challenges occur in your relationship, you know that you can overcome them together.

#4 Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the most important contributors to a healthy and happy relationship.

Successful couples seek and offer forgiveness. When they do something wrong, they offer an apology and when they are the wronged party, they accept the gift of an apology. Research has shown that couples who practice forgiveness are more likely to enjoy a longer and more satisfying relationship. Click To Tweet

Forgiveness is such a vital component to a happy relationship, because, let’s face it, no one is perfect. We are bound to get hurt and make mistakes. So, if you want to enjoy a lasting relationship with someone you value, you need to develop the ability to seek and offer forgiveness.

Always remember that the happiest couples never have the same character; they understand and accept their differences.

#5 Spending Quality Time Together

Spending quality time with someone you love or care for is essential in any relationship. There is no substitute for shared quality time.

Research has shown that one of the major reasons why most relationships fail is due to the fact that couples don’t recognize the significance of dedicating time for one another.

Spending quality time with your partner will bring joy, health and happiness into your relationship.

Find ways to spend time alone without kids, pets and other distractions, you will form a bond that will get you through life’s rough spots.

The Bottom Line

True love may be a matter of destiny but making a relationship work isn’t.

It’s a matter of commitment, acceptance, patience, perseverance, hard work…the list is endless.
Being happy in a relationship is something you have control over.

If you really want to know how to live happily in a relationship, you have to start following the secrets in this article right now. They will surely help your relationship grow and last long.



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