Golden Milk – The Perfect Way To Start Your Day

Golden Milk
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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

Golden Milk is a favourite morning drink among the health conscious.
And for good reasons.

Much has been written about the benefits of Golden Milk, and studies show that this popular health drink has a positive effect on your health.

Some of the benefits reported are reduced inflammation, better mood and lower blood sugar. It is also used as a cold remedy in India, and may have antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

How Is Golden Milk Made?

Golden Milk is made of three basic ingredients: milk, turmeric and black pepper. Click To Tweet

Some recipes also add honey, cinnamon and ginger to the brew. So, we will look at these ingredients as well and learn why they are useful.

But first, the basic recipe:

To make one cup of Golden Milk, just heat up 250ml (half pint) of milk. Add half a teaspoon of ground turmeric, and a quarter teaspoon of black pepper. You may also add a little ginger, honey and cinnamon to the brew, if you wish. Heat it until about 40C (104 F). Do not boil!
And that is it.

Drink the Golden Milk on an empty stomach every morning for full effect.

Now, the exact benefits of Golden Milk depend on the ingredients you use. So, let’s take a look at different components to see how they improve your health.


Although you can use vegan options, cow’s milk is what we will focus on here.

Whole milk contains about 3,5% fat, and this is essential. The turmeric needs a medium to transport it around your body, and milk fat helps it do just that.

Also, cow’s milk is a great source of vitamin D, which is good for your bones and immune system. It has also been shown to aid in weight loss and reduce the risk of depression.

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This is the ingredient that gives the brew its golden hue. And it is by far one of the healthiest spices you can find out there.

WebMD reports that turmeric has a plenty of health benefits, and may improve these conditions:

*Fatty Liver Disease
*Hay Fever
*High Cholesterol

Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant, is anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, has anti-cancer properties, and relieves pain. However, dosage is important, as you can take too much.

Pregnant women should be careful with large doses of turmeric, as it may cause contractions. Click To Tweet

Also, turmeric has a blood-thinning effect, so if you are already taking medication to avoid blood clots (like Warfarin) you should be very mindful of the dosage. If this applies to you, consult with your doctor before adding turmeric to your diet.


Black pepper is usually added to Golden Milk because it helps the body absorb the turmeric more easily. And just like turmeric, it is a good antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

It also reduces appetite and improves your skin. And some some studies suggest that black pepper makes your brain function better.

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Honey is a popular ingredient in many home remedies. Not only does it improve the taste, but it’s great for your health too.

First of all, honey is anti-bacterial, which is one reason why it’s being used in many cold remedies. It can help you fight even antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and it soothes a sore throat.

There is also some evidence that it improves heart health, diabetes, asthma, allergies, and helps protect you against cancer.

And honey has long been used to treat wounds, as it has great wound-healing properties.



Ginger, like many other ingredients of Golden Milk, is an antioxidant. It boosts your immune system, and is often used to treat nausea. Click To Tweet

Other benefits include:

*Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
*Lower levels of bad cholesterol
*Pain reduction, including period cramps, headaches and arthritis
*Improves digestion
*Warms the chest and throat during a cold
*Helps fight respiratory viruses

Like turmeric, ginger may thin your blood. So, be careful with using too much ginger if you are already using anti-clotting medications.


Cinnamon is another great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, which helps your body fight off disease and infections.

Studies have shown that cinnamon can help prevent insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. It may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Putting It All Together

Now that you know how the different ingredients of Golden Milk work separately, you’ll understand why this drink is so popular.

Even just the basic recipe, with milk, black pepper and turmeric, gives your immune system a great boost. This can be really helpful during flu season. Click To Tweet

And if you add honey, ginger and cinnamon, the Golden Milk gets even better.

Best part of this remedy, is that it’s tasty, cheap and easy to make. And chances are that all the ingredients to make it, are already in your kitchen.


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