How To Choose A Laptop That Really Fits You: Top 3 Tips Suggested By Experts

How To Choose The Right Laptop
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by Max

Choosing a laptop that really fits you is not as easy as it sounds. Unless you are one rich fella, then you can skip the formalities and buy the latest high-end laptop on the market.

But if you’re someone like me who needs to get those bucks and look around for a good deal, then you might be interested in reading this article to the end for some dope tips about choosing laptops.

This is your friendly neighborhood IRFY, and today I’m going to teach you how to choose a laptop that you won’t regret buying. One that you’ll be happy using for years to come.

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Now, before you proceed, this article is not about how to get a gamer laptop for half the price. In this article, you’ll learn how to identify and pick a laptop that really serves YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS.

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So, without any further ado, let’s get right into it:

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#1 It’s Not A Machine; It’s A Lifestyle

I know what you might be thinking about at the moment. Laptops are machines of course. But what I meant by saying, “It’s not a machine”, is that you will be using your laptop to do do many things. Like check your email, work, chat with your friends, to watch Netflix on, play music on, and even to read digital newspapers.

You need to bear in mind that for a lot of a people, laptops become a part of their lifestyle. There are days when I personally use my Ideapad more than I talk with people in the real world.

Customise it – Make it your own

This is why you need to think of the laptop as a lifestyle implementation and not as a mere machine to use in need. Because, by looking at the status quo, most people are not using their laptops not because they need them, but because they want to use them and feel like using them.

So, to find out what you need, think of a typical day of yours. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What would I do with a laptop in a normal day?
  • Would I use it for chatting or writing on my blog?
  • Would I use it to play video games and upload the gameplay on YouTube?
  • Do I need a laptop for everyday video editing?
  • Or do I only need one for simple photo editing?
  • What would I do with a PC on a weekend?
  • Will I need it to check my emails in the morning or at night?
  • Will I need it for work?

Customise it – Make it your own

By asking these kinds of question, you are indirectly setting requirements for the laptop you want to buy. And you’ll be buying it on the basis of you own needs, and not because it is shiny or because you favorite YouTuber said that this is the laptop that changed his life.

If you’ll use it the whole day outside your house, then you should consider a laptop with a decent battery that won’t require lots of charging.

If you’ll use it mostly to talk with co-workers on Skype or Facebook Messenger, then pick one with a good camera.

And if you are a gamer who wants to play every release of Call of Duty, then make sure to buy a laptop with lots of RAM and GPU.

What is important is to buy a laptop that won’t turn into nuisance during the day, but one that supports the features you want and your use of it. Click To Tweet
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#2 Brands Matter

There’s a reason why there are giant tech companies on one side and little ones on the other. Laptop brands mostly reflect the quality of their products.

You can’t compare a MacBook Pro or a Huawei MateBook X Pro to a D-tech. It’s true that the latter laptop is cheaper that the former ones. But nothing guarantees that it will last or deliver the experience that you were expecting for the price you paid.

While looking for a laptop, consider the giant tech companies first. Brands like Microsoft, Sony, HP, Acer, Dell, Huawei, Lenovo and other leaders of the industry.

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I’m neither asking you to go with the flow nor telling you to go against it. What I want you to know is that giant companies have years of experience in the tech field, and they know what customers want.

They have the needed money to research what people like and dislike about laptop. They know at what price point they can deliver their products along with the desired and expected experience.

Simply put, the big companies know what exactly what you need. This is what made them giants. Click To Tweet

Customise it – Make it your own

#3 Customer Care And Refunds

You need to know that there is no perfect laptop, and there’s a great chance that there never will be one in the future. This is how the tech world and its market operates, as better tech products flood the market every year. And if you buy a laptop right now, at some point it will become outdated and need to be replaced.

But if you can’t afford to replace your laptop every time a new and better model hits the market, then get one from a trustworthy company that provides great customer care and refund programs.

Why is that important?


Well, simply because different laptops have different builds. And the more you use your laptop, the more open it is to hits, dust, humidity, and even scratches. Most laptops face problem with keyboard keys, which begin to malfunction because of dust or tiny bread pieces that get under them.

Even if you’re a keeper like me, you’ll notice every now and then some stains on the screen. So, taking good care of it will only extend its durability but it won’t prevent it from the inevitable. Welcome to the tech world.

So, in order to avoid this tech “paranoia”, buy a laptop from a company that provides good customer care.

Apple is a good example for this as they repair a lot of their laptops in return for a given price. What is even better, is that some sellers provide their clients with free repairs.

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To conclude, it seems fair to say that picking a laptop is a task that requires a bit of thinking. So, instead of simply getting to the first Tech store and yelling at the owner, “Shut up and take my money!”, do your research first.

Have in mind what you want to buy, and what you want to use it for. This way you're likely to have a better experience with your laptop while using it. Click To Tweet

This was you pal IRFY, see you in the next article!


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